Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The SEA Project

I have spend the past year transferring DAT tapes to a hard drive for the Language Resource Center. Most of these tapes are language instruction tapes and are filled with lessons, readings, and drills. One day I stumbled across a pile of tapes labeled SEA Project. After looking through a few of them, I found that it stands for Southeast Asian Project. The tapes are cryptically distinguished from one another with letters and numbers. Most of the tapes involve people telling stories in strange habitats. You can often hear exotic birds and animals in the background. The series labeled G however, hold the best of all treasures: Gamelan Performances! I decided to take these recordings and release them as cassettes. I did the artwork and liner notes, along with dubbing. I wanted to spread these because the performances are beautiful and mysterious. There is no way for me to know exactly what is happening. I believe they may be recordings of Shadow Puppet Theater, but cannot be certain. I used the medium of cassette tapes because the original fidelity of the of the recordings seemed to call for it.

Check out the blog


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